Petit Paris
Late 2023, our team proposal (Plant en Houtgoed + Meow) won the competition for the refreshment of the green spaces of Avenue Louis Lepoutre and Place George Brugmann in Ixelles, announced by the @bouwmeestermaitrearchitecte for @ixelles_elsene. We proposed an inhabitants-centered approach, where a plan is gradually developed together with citizens over a series of consecutive […]
Yalla!Play! is a project initiated by Kobe Lootens, Lisa Mattys, Jessica Pipyn en Meow collective and funded by the VGC in the framework of Playcation 2024.
Speelbroek is a project initiated by our friends at Her.Bronnen and Plantenhoutgoed and funded by the VGC in the framework of playcation 2024.
Park Albert: Cinemaximiliaan movie night
As a closing event for “the summer of park albert”, Cinemaximiliaan hosted a movie screening of two of their own shortfilms, accompanied by live music.
Park Albert: playcation
In 2023 the living lab team of Park Albert took part for the call for projects for Playcation: during the summer, a series of punctual playful interventions temporary activated the strip to showcase its potential as a lively public space for young and old
Salon Masui
Salon Masui is a self-initiated project which adds a picknick table for neighbours to meet, a resting place for passer-by’s and depave 1m2 of street in the framework of the CQD Helihaven-Anvers