During the summer of 2023, the Park Albert team entered the project call for Playcation 2023 together with a group of local organisations to show the potential of playing on the Avenue Albert 2 strip. The goal of the project was to allow children and adults to use and play along the strip during the summer months without the need of animators. Initially, punctual interventions were planned on one of the streets surrounding the park. However, due to the unforeseen presence of Flixbus on site, we had to adapt our plans accordingly and moved all the interventions towards the existing green spaces.
Here, a pull-up bar, a boxing bag, a slack line track, a basketball ring, a catwalk, a weather vane (with an actually spinning rooster!) and a tether ball game were designed by Meow collective and produced by @zinneke.parade and @Tournevie . The tether ball and boxing bag seemed to be the most used elements by passers-by, office workers, children and dogs. They did suffer quite a bit because of their success, reminding us that the city is always more inventive than the designers on how to use an object. It also taught us that we can all use a boxing bag on the way home from time to time.
The interventions on the strip were planned as a series of modular wooden blocks (allowing for some flexible adaptations during events) and some colorful metal elements. The elements formed a tribune (or pyramid!), a catwalk, a basketball hoop, a weather station, a slackline, a pull-up-bar, a boxing stand and a tether ball game to the site. Big shoutout to @tournevie who produced the wooden boxes and @Zinneke who welded the elements and got the rooster spinning!