Park Albert : the sandbag sofa

Park Albert is a living lab consisting of LabNorth vzw, 1010AU, Plantenhoutgoed and Meow collective, researching the potential to turn Avenue Albert 2 into an ecologically valuable, robust and lively public space

The first Park Albert II moment took place on car-free Sunday in September 2022, when we invited inhabitants, architects, urban planners, academics, and politicians to a round table discussion about the future of avenue Albert II on a temporary sandbag-sofa which we installed for this event. With this panel of experts, we discussed topics such as the  ecological potential and the existing biosphere of the strip, the importance of social inclusion for the neighborhood, and the energy potential of the soil. The next phase of the project was to take place in October 2022, during Archiweek.

Parc Albert is a collaboration between @labnorthvzw , @1010au , @plantenhoutgoed & Meow
Special thanks to @maebar.vub for providing us with their mobile bar & bikelife_1020 for doing wheelies and painting the street with us!
Photos by @sepidehfarvardin